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  • Năm Châu Boutique Resort

Green Day: Keep Mũi Né Clean

In the early hours of the first Thursday of every month, Nam Chau Boutique Resort staff members gather in the hotel grounds, to clean up Mũi Né. The hard working team sweeps the resort, surrounding streets and beachfront, collecting litter and disposing of it carefully. The monthly event is known to all involved as Green Day.

Pandanus Resort originally kick started the incentive before inviting Nam Chau to collaborate as their neighboring sister resort. The Nam Chau Resort team officially joined in with the incentive following their epic renovation in 2017, and haven't looked back since. The two teams now work together to improve the appearance of the local area. Green Day is now seen as not only a way of giving back to the beautiful community they call home but also as a team bonding monthly event.

As climate change and environmental concerns become increasingly more severe each year, much of South East Asia have vowed to become more eco-conscious. In addition to this, changes have been introduced by the Western World, who were previously guilty of burdening developing Asian countries with their waste. China in particular has made some important changes, vowing in early 2018 to stop accepting plastic waste and recycling from the rest of the world due to environmental concerns. As the Nam Chau Boutique Resort sits on the coast of the East Vietnam/South China Sea, a passage of ocean prone to great amounts of the world's litter, the team are motivated in their efforts to sweep the seafront, ridding Mũi Né beach of unwanted, harmful plastics and other garbage residue.

The staff at Nam Chau continue to work tirelessly to keep Mũi Né clean with hopes of making a difference which benefits the local area and its community. If you would like to get involved in the Green Day incentive, please register your interest with the front desk team, who welcome volunteers with open arms.

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